Bitcoin Bull and Bear

NUPL (Unrealized Net Profit / Loss)

Represents investor sentiment. It shows what you would gain or lose if you sold now.
The value 0 (0% of profit) has historically served as support and from there the price of BTC has recovered strongly.
The value 0.25 (25%) has been a good indicator to buy
The value 0.75 (75%) has been a resistance value for the BTC and has subsequently supposed a decline.

Stock-to-Flow Deflection

Indicates the relationship between the current inventory of an asset (stock) and the circulation / flow it has.
If the deflection is <0.6 it means that the asset is undervalued according to the S / F model and that there is an upward trend in price. If the deflection is <0.1 the asset is slightly undervalued. If the deflection is> 1 it indicates that it is overvalued and that it is going to undergo a correction.

MVRV Z-score

It shows the deviation from the market value and the price at which users bought their BTC.
Historically, when the value is less than 0.1, the price of bitcoin is highly undervalued and a sharp rise will occur.
A value less than 0.2 indicates that the price is slightly undervalued.
A value above 7 points indicates overvaluation of the asset and a downward trend.
The function is calculated by subtracting the total market capitalization of Bitcoin from the market capitalization calculated with the price at which they bought and dividing by the standard deviation of the market capitalization.

Puell Multiple

It is calculated by dividing the daily issuance value of bitcoins in dollars by the 365-day moving average of the daily issuance value.
Historically, when this value falls below 0.4, the price of BTC has a strong upward correction.
A value below 0.5 indicates that the price is slightly undervalued.
A value above 4 points is indicative of an overvalued price and a downward trend of the price.

Reserve Risk

It is used to assess the long-term confidence of the holders in relation to the price of the native currency at a given time.
HODL Bank represents the opportunity cost of holding an asset.
When confidence is high and price is low, there is an attractive risk / reward to invest in (reserve risk is low).
When the confidence is low and the price is high, the risk / reward is not attractive at that time (the reserve risk is high).
A value less than 0.001 has indicated in the past that the price of BTC was very low and from there it begins to rise.
A value less than 0.0023 the price is slightly undervalued and there is a good chance that it will increase.
A value greater than 0.02 has meant a correction in the price of BTC

SOPR (Spent Production Profit Ratio)

Indicates if the owners who are selling today are losing or making money.
It is calculated by dividing the value at which you sold today and the value at which you bought those bitcoins.
A value less than 1 is a support zone that indicates that current sellers are losing money and causes a stop in sales and the beginning of a rebound in price.
A value less than 1.01 is a good buy zone.
A value greater than 1.3 is a resistance zone where the price of BTC can fall.

Mayer Multiple

The relationship between the current price and the 200-day moving average. Historically, when this value has exceeded 2.4 there has been a price correction and on numerous occasions when it has been below 0.5 there has been a subsequent rise.
A value less than 1 has also indicated on numerous occasions that the price is starting to rise.
A value greater than 2.4 has been resistance and from there the price has begun to correct.

Realized Price

The realized price of Bitcoin is the value of all the coins at the price they bought divided by the amount of BTC that is in circulation and indicates a support zone, as most users do not want to sell below the value they bought, so when the price of BTC is lower than the Realized Price, it indicates that it is time to buy bitcoins.


It is not investment advice. Inform yourself and make your own decisions.